Comment: Rec’d in e-mail just wondered if it was true:
Bogota resident Emilo Savez was critically Wounded tonight
when his wife, in a fit of rage, attacked her husband with a
wood axe, lodging it in his forehead. The 36 year old father
of three was rushed to St.Vincent's hospital when his frantic
wife called police after swinging an axe into his face.
Apparently Maria Savez caught her estranged husband in bed
with the family housekeeper, and in a fit of rage ran to the garage
and got a wood axe, then proceeded back to their bedroom.
Once there a struggle ensued, and Mrs. Savez ended up on top
of her husband, then swung the Axe and impaled Mr. Savez
in his forehead. Shocked surgeons spent six hours removing and
repairing the damage from the axe, and surprisingly Mr. Savez
is expected to make a full recovery.
Minor brain damage to the front temporal lobes is expected, but
Mr. Savez is expected to be able to lead a normal life once his
wounds have healed.